A contemporary approach to improve health, safety and wellbeing

The health, safety and well-being of our employees, clients and partners is a top priority. In fact, our safety vision aims to send our employees home better than when they arrived for work from the experience of working with us.

Our approach to safety is pragmatic, practical and grounded in reality and we foster an environment where safety is defined, planned and maintained by our workers- not just for them. 

Our critical risk controls and process steps are well defined and communicated.

We prioritise the wellbeing of our workers and are committed to creating a safe and inclusive environment where people can offer ideas and confidently raise concerns.

Creating safe, healthy and sustainable workplaces has been a priority from the beginning.

Safety is ever-evolving

As the nature of our work evolves, so do potential health and safety risks. It’s why we are constantly observing, monitoring and assessing our critical risks and controls and adapt these to how work is done.

Data-led innovation

We leverage data to help us proactively identify, manage and mitigate risks—continually optimising safety for our people, clients and the broader community. 

Well-being matters

We are passionate about fostering an inclusive, psychologically safe environment that prioritises holistic well-being, enabling our people to perform at their best and flourish. where our people can provide input and confidently raise any concerns or initiatives.