Maroochydore Sewerage Treatment Plant Upgrade

In progress

Abergeldie is working collaboratively with Unitywater to deliver a 5-year capital works program at the Maroochydore Sewage Treatment Plant to ensure continued, safe, and reliable wastewater treatment for the Maroochydore and surrounding communities. The works include the refurbishment of existing assets such as a bioreactor and clarifiers as well as new capital works such as a new digester and pump stations.

Scope of Works

The scope of work includes both planned and forecasted capital works. The planned capital works include budgeted design and construct projects, including:

  • Inlet works bypass (including flow-splitter renewal) - concrete repairs.
  • Inlet channel coating works renewal - protective coatings in the inlet channels.
  • Renewal A2 and A3 secondary clarifiers.
  • Diffuser renewal and structural repairs - assess and repair as necessary to bioreactors.
  • Digester expansion - design, supply and install of new anaerobic digester.
  • Filtrate Pump Station renewal - new filtrate pump station on GDD TWAS.

The forecasted capital works are those that are forecast over the next five years. The design and construction works will include:

  • Methanol Dosing System - New Methanol Dosing skid.
  • Odour Management upgrade - Ascertain requirements and install site-wide remedy.
  • New co-generation - New Co-generation system (linked to new digester).
  • Convert Fermenters to Primary sludge tanks (PSET).
  • Lagoon renewal and landscape works – as described.

Driving outcomes and performance through collaboration

Abergeldie worked closely with Unitywater to establish a collaborative outcome and performance-based framework contract as part of an Early Tender Involvement Process. In December 2022, Abergeldie was appointed as the Principal Contractor to deliver the program of works at the Maroochydore STP which involves planning, scheduling, design, engineering, construction, and commissioning.