Medlow Bath Upgrade

Transport for NSW
In progress

In December 2022, Abergeldie was awarded the contract to start major roadwork at Medlow Bath in early 2023. A 1.2 kilometre section of the Great Western Highway through Medlow Bath is being widened to four lanes with new dedicated right-hand turning lanes. A new signalised intersection at Bellevue Crescent and a new roundabout at the intersection of Bellevue Crescent and Delmonte Avenue are being built as part of the upgrade.

Scope of works

Key features of the works include the following:

  • Upgrade of the existing highway to a four-lane divided carriageway allowing for two lanes of traffic in each direction, either side of a central median with planted trees.
  • Upgrade of the Bellevue Crescent intersection with new turning lanes, traffic signals and a new roundabout on Bellevue Crescent.
  • A new right turn lane providing access to the Hydro Majestic Hotel.
  • Improvements on Railway Parade to formalise parking provisions, U-turns and rail customer parking.
  • New indented bus bays on both sides of the highway close to Medlow Bath Station.
  • New shared path for pedestrians and cyclists on the western side of the highway.
  • Ancillary works such as the replacement of road surfaces, reconstruction works associated with local roads, driveways, footpaths, kerbs, gutters, retaining walls, drainage works and relocation of services.


Working on the Great Western Highway in a live traffic environment is highly complex. This is combined with the rail corridor and train station directly adjacent to our main work area and the project is on the doorstep of the UNESCO World Heritage Blue Mountains and heritage buildings. 

A key requirement is for the Highway to remain open at all times, limiting the amount of work that can be done during the day when working on or in close proximity to the Highway. An extensive program of night work with scheduled respite periods to minimise impacts on local residents and hotel guests has been put in place for utility and roadwork.

Simultaneous work is being carried out on Transport’s Medlow Bath station upgrade and new overhead pedestrian bridge, which requires regular interface planning for working alongside another contractor in restricted areas.


Community and Employment Benefits

Abergeldie is working proactively with local businesses in Medlow Bath to ensure they maintain business operations during our work on the Highway and in surrounding local roads. 

We work closely with local residents to provide information about construction activities and to support them during our night work.

The Medlow Bath Upgrade is engaging a workforce that includes local workers and businesses to supply products and services on the project. Abergeldie has successfully promoted work packages seeking local suppliers and has run employment and hands on training programs to support workers entering into construction.