Raising London Circuit

ACT Government
In progress

Abergeldie is collaborating with the ACT Government to deliver the Raising London Circuit Project. The project will help to better connect the city with the lake and make Canberra a more connected, sustainable, and vibrant place to live. At completion, the project will enable the light rail to Woden project between the city and Commonwealth Park (Stage 2A). The project is the most significant change to the road network in central Canberra for some time and will deliver a more people-friendly interchange for pedestrians, cyclists, and public transport. The project team are also working with the ACT Government across the project lifecycle to implement sustainable initiatives and beneficial reuse to minimise environmental impact and benefit the community.

Scope of Works

The project involves raising London Circuit by 6m to form an at-grade, signalised intersection with Commonwealth Avenue. The works will also include the removal of the existing ramps (cloverleafs) to the Northwest and Southwest of the London Circuit – Commonwealth Avenue interchange.

Key features of the project include:

  • Temporary closure of London Circuit between Edinburgh Avenue and Constitution Avenue.
  • Infilling the London Circuit Road reserve between Edinburgh Avenue and Constitution Avenue, to form embankments from the intersections with those roads to around the existing height of Commonwealth Avenue.
  • Removal of the existing ramps (cloverleafs) to the north-west and south-west of the London Circuit-Commonwealth Avenue interchange, and modification of the existing Parkes Way ramp to the south-east to remove the connection with London Circuit and retain the connection between Parkes Way and Commonwealth Avenue.
  • Staged closure and demolition of the northbound and southbound Commonwealth Avenue bridges over London Circuit, including infilling the London Circuit road reserve below.
  • Rebuilding London Circuit between Edinburgh Avenue and Commonwealth Avenue and Commonwealth Avenue and Constitution Avenue, including retaining walls.
  • Building a new signalised London Circuit-Commonwealth Avenue intersection, including the capacity to accommodate proposed and potential future light rail infrastructure.
  • Provision of active transport infrastructure, utility connections, lighting, street furniture, landscaping, and drainage.
  • Ancillary activities including construction compound sites, traffic diversions, and traffic management measures.
  • A temporary sidetrack constructed on part of the permanent embankment works to the east of the existing Commonwealth Avenue, to provide for continued traffic movements northbound and southbound for the duration of construction activities. The sidetrack and parts of the Commonwealth Avenue median would be temporarily paved to provide two traffic lanes, with connections to allow cross-over of traffic between the northbound and southbound traffic lanes and the sidetrack. The sidetrack would include temporary bicycle and pedestrian paths, allowing for the safe diversion of pedestrians and cyclists during the completion of the works.

Delivering the works in Canberra's CBD

The works to raise London Circuit are being performed within the Canberra CBD and are adjacent to areas that are environmentally sensitive and of heritage importance. Approximately 60,000mof fill is being brought in from other construction sites undertaking excavation and will be used to raise London Circuit. Before arrival onsite, all fill has been monitored and tested for contamination and suitability with the engineering requirements to raise London Circuit and is approved by the EPA. Onsite there have been several unexpected finds, including asbestos. The project team is working closely with the ACT Government and the relevant authorities to ensure this contaminated material is managed and disposed of appropriately.

The team is working collaboratively with the ACT Government and stakeholders to ensure proactive and effective engagement with stakeholders and the community. The team is committed to minimising disruption and effective engagement with the community and key stakeholders and is working within restricted hours to ensure noise, vibration, and dust impacts are mitigated. 

Detailed staging and traffic management plans are helping the interactions of construction traffic with the public as well as the impact on interfacing and concurrent projects. Pedestrian crossing configurations across London Circuit have been modified near the construction site entrances at Constitution Avenue and Edinburgh Avenue. The new design ensures no pedestrians can walk across the entrances, reducing accident risks.

Safety has been a high priority on this project. Site inductions are used to inform site personnel on key safety issues on the project including asbestos and silica exposure, Safe Work Method Statements have been developed for all construction activities on the project, and risk assessments carried out to identify key hazards. 

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Providing a key connection between the city and the lake

The project to raise London Circuit is a major city-shaping project that will connect the city with Lake Burley Griffin by delivering more accessible footpaths and bike lanes for Canberrans.