West Region Delivery Team

Sydney Water
In progress

The West Region Delivery Team (WRDT) was established with Sydney Water under a collaborative contracting framework - Partnering for Success (P4S).  The West Region Delivery Team is delivering design, construction, maintenance, and facility management services under a 10-year programme across Sydney Water’s wastewater, water and recycled water systems extending from Sydney's inner west suburbs out to the Blue Mountains including Sydney Growth Area and part of the North West Growth Centre.

The West Region Delivery Team consortium comprises Abergeldie Complex Infrastructure and Fulton Hogan for construction, maintenance, and facility management, and Stantec and Atlas for design and engineering.

Abergeldie is leading the delivery of capital works (excluding SPV major projects typically >$70 million in value), operational maintenance and facilities management of water supply and wastewater assets across Western Sydney. With many public liaison activities, WRDT presents to external stakeholders and customers as an integral part of Sydney Water.

Scope of Works

The scope of work undertaken by Abergeldie includes concept design, estimating, detail design, early tender involvement, early contractor involvement, the annual integrated works program, construction, maintenance, and facilities management of all assets including facilities such as water and wastewater treatment plants, as well as network pipelines, pump stations and reservoirs, including assets such as data centres, offices, and depots.

Abergeldie also collaborates with Sydney Water in the joint development of the annual integrated works plan which includes capital works, maintenance, and facility management services. 

Some of the key work aspects of the programme include:

1. Network and trunk sewer rehabilitation works: 

The large portfolio of works also includes reticulation and trunk works. Our rehabilitation team delivers as the self-performing workforce within WRDT. On average Abergeldie delivers two reticulation packages per year for Sydney Water through the WRDT. These packages consist of bundles of 20 - 160 assets per package, of up to 9km in length and diameters that vary from 150 to 300mm. We also conduct one-off large diameter projects (anything from 3075mm to 1200mm) over around 800m length consisting of:

  • EX PVC fold and form pipe lining is used to install pipes ranging in diameter from 150 to 300mm. 
  • Standard CIPP (cured-in-place pipe) lining is installed with air (150-1400mm) and is used for heavy water infiltration. This versatile pipe lining can handle lines of any length and is a soft material that does not require joints.
  • UV lining is a fibreglass solution that is thinner and stronger than CIPP. It is best for applications that require a straight line and is limited to pipes less than 260m in length.
  • CIPP lining is installed with hot water for pipes ranging in diameter from 150 to 1400mm. Where there is water inversion, holds infiltration out. 
  • Spiral X is a plastic liner that transforms a flat piece into a pipe by spinning and winding it into the desired pipe form. Between 50 - 70 % of Spiral X doesn’t require bypass, saving costs for Sydney Water. The Spiral X technology is also assisting with getting the best outcome for Sydney Water during heavy rainfall and managing highly variable flows within the assets. 
  • Spot repairs and lateral sealing of junctions.
  • Cleaning, root cutting and CCTV inspections.

2. Pump station upgrades and renewals:

  • Some of the work packages include the build of the Marsden Park pump station, the Camelia pump station rising main and wet well repairs, St Mary’s pump station, Lansdowne pump station and Erskine Park pump station.

3. New sewer installation: 

  • Projects include Austral Leppington trunk sewer installation, Camden rising main, and Nepean rising main replacement.

Safety and wellbeing

The safety of the WRDT team has been maintained through the implementation of Abergeldie’s safety systems, processes, and procedures. We have comprehensive, matured, and refined safe work method statements across all work sites.

Through our safety programs, we have maintained a focus on mental health, particularly around suicide prevention and emotional intelligence so that our staff can handle situations in the most productive and healthy way. 

We have effectively managed health, safety and well-being throughout the entire project lifecycle through a collaborative delivery framework. This commences with interactive workshops where we work closely with Sydney Water to further understand the impact of upstream and downstream conditions, and further refine our strategies to minimise disruptions or impacts on the network. Other steps in this process are the initial safety in design (SiD) reviews to ensure safe design and procurement including testing, commissioning and HAZOP reviews which are carried out with operators and service crews as part of the sewer pump station replacements. 


Maximising Value

Abergeldie, as a key delivery partner under the WRDT, has learnt how to refine our working processes with Sydney Water to maximise the upfront value of the early contractor involvement process. These projects are not hard dollar contracts. Abergeldie is involved from the end of concept design and even earlier, to develop a target outrun cost (TOC) that provides reliability and benchmarking for the client and stakeholders to work with. We identify potential risks early on and work with stakeholders to forecast costs, including supply chain issues. Our enhanced, transparent collaboration through regular meetings and updates has increased the accuracy of TOCs and resulted in Abergeldie being invited to actively participate in the concept design process. 

This is driving further value for money through our optioneering and constructability knowledge and resulting in a more refined and reliable TOC for all stakeholders, which assists with budgeting for future projects under the P4S program.

Risk mitigation

The primary delivery risks have stemmed from high rainfall and widely varying flow rates, posing a potential challenge to the delivery process. Open communication between the WRDT and Sydney Water has helped to mitigate these risks and ensure productivity is maximised to achieve budget and program objectives. 


Stakeholder engagement

Our networks team conducts extensive community liaison, due to the need to rehabilitate watermains in customer’s backyards and gardens. Part of our formal process in rehabilitation works is to meet each landowner and engage them to agree on what the impacts of each section of the works will be, what rectification works will be needed for each landowner and what their properties will look like at the end of works. 


Continuous improvement and innovation

The WRDT is committed to driving a culture of continuous improvement and innovation.  As part of this commitment, Key Performance Indicators across safety, environment, quality, community and stakeholder engagement and productivity cost and schedule are monitored, measured, and reported monthly to the client. 

The contracting relationship between Abergeldie and Sydney Water is genuinely one that I've seen as partnering for success.