
Delivering complex water and wastewater infrastructure projects to help communities thrive

Abergeldie collaborates with utility providers to design and deliver water and wastewater asset reliability and renewal projects, capital infrastructure projects and provides end-to-end rehabilitation and replacement services in regional and metropolitan areas across Australia and New Zealand. 


Water Treatment Plant Projects


Wastewater Treatment Plant Projects


Collaborative partnerships delivering framework utility contracts across Australia and New Zealand.


of pipeline renewal

Our expertise

We have extensive expertise in strategic planning, delivery, operations and maintenance and have a proven track record working under various contracting models- delivering water and wastewater asset reliability and renewals, dam safety upgrades and capital infrastructure projects. We also offer a comprehensive suite of capabilities and technologies to renew or rehabilitate sewer, water and stormwater networks in regional and metropolitan areas.

Water and Wastewater

We design and deliver water and wastewater asset reliability and renewals, including pumping stations and treatment plants, bulk water asset upgrades and capital infrastructure projects. Our team is extensively experienced across a variety of disciplines including civil, structural, mechanical, electrical, design and process. We are adept at carrying out work under brownfield conditions and navigating the complexities of integrating new systems within existing infrastructure with minimal disruption and optimal efficiency.

Network Rehabilitation and Renewals

We provide end to end rehabilitation and replacement services across water, wastewater and stormwater utility assets. The broad range of solutions we offer, covering mains, pipes, pits, pumps and customer service lines, enables us to confidently investigate and recommend the optimal solution for each situation.

Our solutions and technologies include conventional construction, lift and relay, removal of asbestos water mains, pureflow, pipebursting, directional drilling, EX PVC fold-and-form pipe lining, CIPP pipe lining, structural patches, junction sealing, GRP jacking, dead-end lining, maintenance hole and pit rehabilitation, CIPM, civil repairs and vent shaft rehabilitation.

Our recent projects

Our clients

We collaborate with utility providers to provide forward-thinking water solutions.  We have proven expertise in planning and design, through to construction, testing and commissioning and delivery. We work with a variety of utility clients under various contracting models including construct-only, D&C models and long term framework contracts and programs of work, some of which are delivered through strategic joint ventures and partnerships.